세상에서 제일 쉬운 영어 단어 어원

(영어 단어) 가장 많이 사용하는 영어 단어 1번 ~ 100번

센스영어 2023. 3. 14. 13:43

안녕하세요. 센스 영어 입니다.


다음은 가장 많이 사용하는 영어 단어 1번 ~ 100개에 대한 단어 뜻, 발음, 예시 및 한글 설명을 정리해 보았습니다. 영어 공부에는 가장 많이 사용하는 단어부터 공부하는 것이 가장 효율적이겠죠?


1번 ~ 100번의 단어에는 대부분 대명사, 전치사와 같은 기능어들이 많이 포함되어 있네요. 아래 리스트는 빈도 순이 아닌 알파벳 순으로 정리가 되어 있습니다.



  • pronunciation: /ə/
  • definition: used to refer to a person or thing that is not identified or specified.
  • example: "a car", "a teacher"
  • 한글 설명: 미정의 언급에 쓰이는 알파벳 'a'


  • pronunciation: /əˈbaʊt/
  • definition: used to indicate movement within a particular area or place.
  • example: "walking about the city"
  • 한글 설명: '어딘가', '주위에', '순환 중에'를 나타내는 전치사


  • pronunciation: /ɔːl/
  • definition: the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.
  • example: "all the people in the room"
  • 한글 설명: 모든 것, 전부를 나타내는 대명사


  • pronunciation: /ˈɔːlsəʊ/
  • definition: in addition; too.
  • example: "he was a singer and also an actor"
  • 한글 설명: 또한, 추가로


  • pronunciation: /ən/
  • definition: used before a word beginning with a vowel sound.
  • example: "an apple"
  • 한글 설명: 모음 소리로 시작하는 단어 앞에서 쓰이는 알파벳 'a'의 변형


  • pronunciation: /ænd/
  • definition: used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly.
  • example: "I like apples and oranges"
  • 한글 설명: 그리고, 또는


  • pronunciation: /ˈɛni/
  • definition: used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or many.
  • example: "have you got any money?"
  • 한글 설명: 어떤 것, 아무것, 어떤 수의 것


  • pronunciation: /æz/
  • definition: used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something.
  • example: "he's as tall as his brother"
  • 한글 설명: ~와 같이, ~으로서, ~인 것 같이


  • pronunciation: /æt/
  • definition: expressing location or arrival in a particular place or position.
  • example: "we arrived at the airport"
  • 한글 설명: 어느 곳, 어떤 위치, 목적지


  • pronunciation: /bæk/
  • definition: the rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips.
  • example: "I have a pain in my back"
  • 한글 설명: 등, 뒤


  • pronunciation: /bi/
  • definition: exist; occur; take place.
  • example: "there will be a party tonight"
  • 한글 설명: 존재하다, 일어나다, 생기다


  • pronunciation: /bɪˈkɔːz/
  • definition: for the reason that; since.
  • example: "she was crying because she was hurt"
  • 한글 설명: ~이기 때문에, 왜냐하면


  • pronunciation: /bʌt/
  • definition: used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
  • example: "he stumbled but didn't fall"
  • 한글 설명: 그러나, 하지만


  • pronunciation: /baɪ/
  • definition: indicating the means of achieving something.
  • example: "they travelled by train"
  • 한글 설명: ~로, ~에 의해, 수단으로


  • pronunciation: /kæn/
  • definition: be able to.
  • example: "I can run a mile"
  • 한글 설명: ~할 수 있다, ~할 능력이 있다


  • pronunciation: /kʌm/
  • definition: move or travel towards or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.
  • example: "she came into the room"
  • 한글 설명: 오다, 다가오다


  • pronunciation: /kʊd/
  • definition: used to indicate possibility or ability in the past.
  • example: "I could swim when I was younger"
  • 한글 설명: ~할 수 있었다, ~가능했다


  • pronunciation: /deɪ/
  • definition: a period of twenty-four hours as a unit of time.
  • example: "he works eight hours a day"
  • 한글 설명: 하루, 날


  • pronunciation: /du/
  • definition: perform an action or activity; accomplish.
  • example: "I need to do my homework"
  • 한글 설명: 하다, 수행하다


  • pronunciation: /ˈiːv(ə)n/
  • definition: used to emphasize a comparison with a surprising or extreme case.
  • example: "even a child could understand it"
  • 한글 설명: 심지어, 아울러


  • pronunciation: /faɪnd/
  • definition: discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
  • example: "she found a coin on the ground"
  • 한글 설명: 찾다, 발견하다


  • pronunciation: /fərst/
  • definition: coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.
  • example: "I won first place in the race"
  • 한글 설명: 첫 번째, 처음



  • pronunciation: /fɔːr/
  • definition: indicating the use of something.
  • example: "this knife is for cutting"
  • 한글 설명: ~을 위해, ~을 목적으로, ~에 대한


  • pronunciation: /frʌm/
  • definition: indicating the point in space at which a journey, motion, or action starts.
  • example: "I'm from Canada"
  • 한글 설명: ~로부터, ~에서, 출발점


  • pronunciation: /ɡɛt/
  • definition: come to have or hold; receive.
  • example: "I got a new phone yesterday"
  • 한글 설명: 얻다, 받다


  • pronunciation: /ɡɪv/
  • definition: freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone).
  • example: "he gave me a gift"
  • 한글 설명: 주다, 내주다


  • pronunciation: /ɡəʊ/
  • definition: move from one place to another; travel.
  • example: "let's go to the park"
  • 한글 설명: 가다, 이동하다


  • pronunciation: /ɡʊd/
  • definition: to be desired or approved of.
  • example: "the cake tastes good"
  • 한글 설명: 좋은, 좋다


  • pronunciation: /hæv/
  • definition: possess, own, or hold.
  • example: "I have a car"
  • 한글 설명: 가지다, 소유하다


  • pronunciation: /hi/
  • definition: used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal that has already been mentioned or is easily identified.
  • example: "he is my brother"
  • 한글 설명: 그는, 그가


  • pronunciation: /hər/
  • definition: used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "I gave her a gift"
  • 한글 설명: 그녀를, 그녀에게


  • pronunciation: /hɪr/
  • definition: in, at, or to this place or position.
  • example: "I am here now"
  • 한글 설명: 여기에, 여기서


  • pronunciation: /hɪm/
  • definition: used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "I saw him at the store"
  • 한글 설명: 그를, 그에게


  • pronunciation: /hɪz/
  • definition: belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "his car is parked outside"
  • 한글 설명: 그의, 그의 것


  • pronunciation: /haʊ/
  • definition: in what way or manner; by what means.
  • example: "how are you doing?"
  • 한글 설명: 어떻게, 어떤 방식으로


  • pronunciation: /aɪ/
  • definition: used as the subject of a verb to refer to oneself as the speaker or writer.
  • example: "I am happy"
  • 한글 설명: 나는, 저는


  • pronunciation: /ɪf/
  • definition: introducing a conditional clause.
  • example: "if it rains, we will stay indoors"
  • 한글 설명: 만약 ~이면, ~하면


  • pronunciation: /ɪn/
  • definition: expressing the situation of being enclosed or surrounded by something else.
  • example: "the book is in the bag"
  • 한글 설명: ~안에, ~에서


  • pronunciation: /ˈɪntuː/
  • definition: expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else.
  • example: "the bird flew into the house"
  • 한글 설명: ~으로, 안으로


  • pronunciation: /ɪz, ɪs/
  • definition: third person singular present of "be".
  • example: "he is tall"
  • 한글 설명: be 동사 현재 3인칭 단수형


  • pronunciation: /ɪt/
  • definition: used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "the book is on the table. It is red"
  • 한글 설명: 그것, 이것


  • pronunciation: /ɪts/
  • definition: belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "the cat licked its paws"
  • 한글 설명: 그것의, 이것의


  • pronunciation: /dʒʌst/
  • definition: exactly, very recently.
  • example: "I just finished my homework"
  • 한글 설명: 방금, 단지


  • pronunciation: /noʊ/
  • definition: have developed a relationship with (someone) through meeting and spending time with them; be familiar or friendly with.
  • example: "I know him well"
  • 한글 설명: 알다, 알고 있다


  • pronunciation: /laɪk/
  • definition: have a feeling of affection for (someone); find attractive.
  • example: "I like to read books"
  • 한글 설명: 좋아하다, 마음에 들다


  • pronunciation: /lʊk/
  • definition: direct one's gaze toward someone or something; regard in a specified way.
  • example: "look at the beautiful sunset"
  • 한글 설명: 보다, 쳐다보다


  • pronunciation: /meɪk/
  • definition: form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about.
  • example: "I made a cake for my friend's birthday"
  • 한글 설명: 만들다, 제작하다


  • pronunciation: /ˈmeni/
  • definition: a large number of.
  • example: "many people attended the concert"
  • 한글 설명: 많은, 많이


  • pronunciation: /mi/
  • definition: used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to the person speaking or writing.
  • example: "he gave me a book"
  • 한글 설명: 나를, 저를


  • pronunciation: /mɔːr/
  • definition: a greater or additional amount or degree of.
  • example: "I need more time to finish my work"
  • 한글 설명: 더 많은, 더


  • pronunciation: /moʊst/
  • definition: superlative of 'many' and 'much'; greatest in quantity, extent, or degree.
  • example: "she ate the most pizza at the party"
  • 한글 설명: 가장 많은, 대부분


  • pronunciation: /mʌtʃ/
  • definition: a large amount.
  • example: "thank you very much"
  • 한글 설명: 많은, 매우


  • pronunciation: /maɪ/
  • definition: belonging to or associated with the speaker.
  • example: "my car is in the garage"
  • 한글 설명: 나의, 제


  • pronunciation: /njuː/
  • definition: not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.
  • example: "I bought a new shirt yesterday"
  • 한글 설명: 새로운, 새롭다


  • pronunciation: /noʊ/
  • definition: not any.
  • example: "there are no books on the shelf"
  • 한글 설명: 아니, 아무


  • pronunciation: /nɑt/
  • definition: used to express the negative of verbs or other statements.
  • example: "I am not hungry"
  • 한글 설명: 아니다, ~하지 않다


  • pronunciation: /naʊ/
  • definition: at the present time or moment.
  • example: "I am busy now"
  • 한글 설명: 지금, 이제


  • pronunciation: /ʌv/
  • definition: expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.
  • example: "a piece of cake"
  • 한글 설명: ~의, ~으로부터


  • pronunciation: /ɑn/
  • definition: physically in contact with and supported by (a surface).
  • example: "the book is on the table"
  • 한글 설명: ~위에, ~에


  • pronunciation: /wʌn/
  • definition: the lowest cardinal number; used to refer to a person or thing previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "I have one brother"
  • 한글 설명: 하나, 한 사람


  • pronunciation: /ˈoʊnli/
  • definition: and no one or nothing more besides; solely or exclusively.
  • example: "I am the only person in the room"
  • 한글 설명: 오직, 단지


  • pronunciation: /ɔːr/
  • definition: used to link alternatives.
  • example: "would you like tea or coffee?"
  • 한글 설명: 또는, 혹은


  • pronunciation: /ˈʌðər/
  • definition: used to refer to a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about.
  • example: "I have two sisters. The other sister is a doctor"
  • 한글 설명: 다른, 다른 것


  • pronunciation: /aʊt/
  • definition: away from the inside or center; outdoors.
  • example: "I am going out to meet my friends"
  • 한글 설명: 밖으로, 나가서


  • pronunciation: /ˈoʊvər/
  • definition: extending directly upward from.
  • example: "the bridge goes over the river"
  • 한글 설명: ~위로, 넘어서


  • pronunciation: /ˈpiːpl/
  • definition: human beings in general or considered collectively.
  • example: "people are waiting for the bus"
  • 한글 설명: 사람들, 인간들


  • pronunciation: /pleɪs/
  • definition: a particular position or point in space.
  • example: "I found a nice place to eat dinner"
  • 한글 설명: 장소, 위치


  • pronunciation: /pʊt/
  • definition: move to or place in a particular position.
  • example: "I put the keys on the table"
  • 한글 설명: 놓다, 두다


  • pronunciation: /raɪt/
  • definition: morally good, justified, or acceptable; correct or true as a fact.
  • example: "he did the right thing"
  • 한글 설명: 옳은, 바른


  • pronunciation: /sɛd/
  • definition: past tense and past participle of "say".
  • example: "she said that she would come"
  • 한글 설명: say의 과거 형과 과거 분사형


  • pronunciation: /seɪm/
  • definition: identical; not different or changed.
  • example: "we have the same car"
  • 한글 설명: 같은, 동일한


  • pronunciation: /si/
  • definition: perceive with the eyes; discern visually.
  • example: "I see a beautiful sunset"
  • 한글 설명: 보다, 본다


  • pronunciation: /ʃi/
  • definition: used to refer to a woman or girl previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "she is my sister"
  • 한글 설명: 그녀, 여자


  • pronunciation: /ʃʊd/
  • definition: used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness.
  • example: "you should study for the test"
  • 한글 설명: ~해야 한다, ~해야 하는 것이 좋다


  • pronunciation: /soʊ/
  • definition: to such a great extent; very.
  • example: "I am so tired"
  • 한글 설명: 그렇게, 매우


  • pronunciation: /sʌm/
  • definition: an unspecified amount or number of.
  • example: "do you have some time to talk?"
  • 한글 설명: 어떤, 일부의


  • pronunciation: /teɪk/
  • definition: lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold.
  • example: "I will take the book"
  • 한글 설명: 가지다, 가져가다


  • pronunciation: /ðæn/
  • definition: introducing the second element in a comparison.
  • example: "he is taller than me"
  • 한글 설명: ~보다, ~보다는


  • pronunciation: /ðæt/
  • definition: used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker.
  • example: "that is my car"
  • 한글 설명: 그, 저


  • pronunciation: /ðə, ðiː/
  • definition: used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase.
  • example: "the car that I bought last week"
  • 한글 설명: 그, 그것, 그 무엇


  • pronunciation: /ðɛr/
  • definition: belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "they brought their dog to the park"
  • 한글 설명: 그들의


  • pronunciation: /ðɛm/
  • definition: used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "I gave them the keys"
  • 한글 설명: 그들, 그것들


  • pronunciation: /ðɛn/
  • definition: at that time; at the time in question.
  • example: "I was younger then"
  • 한글 설명: 그때, 그 이후


  • pronunciation: /ðɛr/
  • definition: in, at, or to that place or position.
  • example: "he is over there"
  • 한글 설명: 거기에, 그곳에


  • pronunciation: /ðiz/
  • definition: used to identify specific people or things close at hand or being indicated.
  • example: "these are my shoes"
  • 한글 설명: 이것들, 이러한


  • pronunciation: /ðeɪ/
  • definition: used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
  • example: "they are my friends"
  • 한글 설명: 그들


  • pronunciation: /θɪŋ/
  • definition: an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to.
  • example: "I need to buy some things at the store"
  • 한글 설명: 것, 물건


  • pronunciation: /θɪŋk/
  • definition: have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something.
  • example: "I think we should leave now"
  • 한글 설명: 생각하다


  • pronunciation: /ðɪs/
  • definition: used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.
  • example: "this is my phone"
  • 한글 설명: 이, 이것


  • pronunciation: /ðoʊz/
  • definition: used to refer to a specific thing or things that are distant from the speaker and the person being addressed.
  • example: "those shoes are mine"
  • 한글 설명: 저, 저것


  • pronunciation: /taɪm/
  • definition: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
  • example: "what time is it?"
  • 한글 설명: 시간


  • pronunciation: /tu, tʊ, tə/
  • definition: expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location).
  • example: "I am going to the store"
  • 한글 설명: ~로, ~에, ~까지


  • pronunciation: /tuː/
  • definition: equivalent to the sum of one and one; one less than three; 2.
  • example: "I have two brothers"
  • 한글 설명: 둘


  • pronunciation: /ʌp/
  • definition: directed or moving toward a higher place or position.
  • example: "I am going up the stairs"
  • 한글 설명: 위로, 올라서


  • pronunciation: /ʌs/
  • definition: used to refer to the speaker and one or more other people as the indirect object of a verb or preposition.
  • example: "can you give us a ride?"
  • 한글 설명: 우리, 저희


  • pronunciation: /juːs/
  • definition: take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing a purpose or achieving a result.
  • example: "I use my computer for work"
  • 한글 설명: 사용하다


  • pronunciation: /ˈvɛri/
  • definition: used to emphasize an adjective or adverb.
  • example: "I am very happy"
  • 한글 설명: 매우, 대단히


  • pronunciation: /wɑnt/
  • definition: have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
  • example: "I want a new phone"
  • 한글 설명: 원하다


  • pronunciation: /weɪ/
  • definition: a method, style, or manner of doing something.
  • example: "there is no easy way to learn a new language"
  • 한글 설명: 방법, 길


  • pronunciation: /wiː/
  • definition: used to refer to the speaker and one or more other people as the subject of a verb or object of a preposition.
  • example: "we went to the movies"
  • 한글 설명: 우리, 저희


  • pronunciation: /wɛl/
  • definition: in a good or satisfactory way.
  • example: "I am feeling well today"
  • 한글 설명: 잘, 좋은


  • pronunciation: /wʌt/
  • definition: asking for information specifying something.
  • example: "what is your name?"
  • 한글 설명: 무엇, 어떤


  • pronunciation: /wɛn/
  • definition: at what time.
  • example: "when are we leaving?"
  • 한글 설명: 언제


  • pronunciation: /wɛr/
  • definition: in or to what place or position.
  • example: "where are you going?"
  • 한글 설명: 어디


  • pronunciation: /wɪtʃ/
  • definition: asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set.
  • example: "which color do you prefer?"
  • 한글 설명: 어느, 어떤


  • pronunciation: /huː/
  • definition: asking for information specifying one or more people.
  • example: "who is that person?"
  • 한글 설명: 누구


  • pronunciation: /wɪl/
  • definition: expressing the future tense.
  • example: "I will go to the party tomorrow"
  • 한글 설명: ~할 것이다


  • pronunciation: /wɪð, wɪθ/
  • definition: accompanied by (another person or thing).
  • example: "I am going to the store with my friend"
  • 한글 설명: ~와 함께


  • pronunciation: /wʊd/
  • definition: expressing the conditional mood.
  • example: "I would go if I had time"
  • 한글 설명: ~할 것이다 (조건부)


  • pronunciation: /jɪr/
  • definition: a period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, divided into 12 months, beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31.
  • example: "I was born in the year 2000"
  • 한글 설명: 년


  • pronunciation: /ju/
  • definition: used to refer to the person or people being addressed.
  • example: "you are my best friend"
  • 한글 설명: 당신, 너


  • pronunciation: /jʊr, jɔr/
  • definition: belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
  • example: "is this your book?"
  • 한글 설명: 당신의

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